Aaron stopped by Bruce's cubicle on his way out. It was past seven, but he knew Bruce would be there.
"Thanks for fixing that typo."
"I gave up fixing your typos years ago, Aaron."
"Yeah? Pull up the commit logs—No, on Trunk."
"I don't commit to Trunk—"
The logs disagreed. A change every day. For months.
"I didn't make these commits."
"Maybe you thought you were committing to your branch."
Bruce gave him a withering stare.
"Pull up the diff," Aaron suggested.
Bruce read off the commit message: "'Fixed a typo.' Some typo—twenty files were changed."
"Don't you look at the change list?"
"I just read the message."
"Hey," Bruce said, "CodeCorrect.cs was changed in every one of these commits."
The two had analyzed bug fixes from every repository they could get access to then written an algorithm—CodeCorrect—to detect and fix them in their codebase.
"I haven't touched that since January."
"Well someone has. What're the changes?"
Bruce pulled up the file. 10,000 lines and change. "Jesus. I don't recognize any of this."
Aaron had a sick feeling in his stomach. "Hey, Bruce?"
"Whose credentials does CodeCorrect use?"